03 June 2013

Articles partners, Google says NO!

Recent updates and conditions Google make it forbidden to paid links on its site. According to Google, it distorts the perception of the reader and the blogger is accused of lack of objectivity in its editorial. And in the process, updating Pengouin 2.0 has landed and it was a massacre of American and German sites. Some have lost nearly 80% of their visits. And this is only the beginning, because Penguin concerns only the dubious schemes on the links while Panda focuses on content and a new recipe for Panda cooking in the kitchens of Google.

google says no copy

The concept of Article Partner

To switch between the cracks of Google and the prohibition of paid links, trademarks and webmasters have found the formula of Article partner . Behind this general name, the concept is the same as Article sponsored ( In fact, it is identical except for the name ). The principle is that a brand will contact you to publish an article on the blog and you have three choices:

  • Either way, you are free to write the article quoting only the advertiser

  • Either you explicitly write on one of the advertiser's products

  • Either the advertiser offers to publish an article on your blog

The three methods have their advantages and disadvantage, but the first form is the least to my mind. The only requirement in the free article is not to talk negatively about the brand. In exchange for the release, the brand gives you a lump sum which can be from 70 to 220 euros.The item must be available from 6 to 12 months. I had about 5 offers like this and I must say it is tempting because the price is not bad and the constraints are acceptable. However, Google prohibits such practices.

Matt Cutts published a video on the channel dedicated to webmasters tools Google explaining that Google often saw suspicious items. Google uses the terms of Advertorials or Native Advertising and can be translated into a kind of surreptitious advertising.

Articles partners, Google says NO!

Google does not forbid you to use these items partners, but it requires that you explicitly inform readers that you have been paid for this product and you still have two ways to do it.

  • Or, you cite no mention of advertising, but you put the link to the advertiser with the attribute rel = "nofollow" .

  • Either you put a clear statement before the title as Article Sponsored and Advertising

Obviously, the advertiser does not pay you in the first case because the attribute rel = "nofollow" link off indexing by Google. In the second case, you will have fewer players, because they will not have confidence in your content. Even if you claim that the article is objective, you can not assure readers because ask yourself this simple question: Do you have written on this poster if you had not been paid?

Google remove items in Google News

Well, all this is not new and it's been years that Google tells us the same advice regarding the concept of money against writing, but Google goes further by integrating Google News in these warnings. According to Matt Cutts, the team identified many media exploiting Google News to insert partners items without even mentioning that they were paid to do ( What the media are paid to write their crap, first novel! )

In this case, Google does not take into account the links in this article partner of Google News, but it will also remove the article from the Google News index ( Ouch! gonna hurt! ).In the case of Google News , I quite agree with Google, because it's just become anything.Simply we have a site with several authors and some technical conditions to be accepted into the service. Once I saw a site on the iPhone that offered a promotion on a iPhone case and it was in the first page of the section Hi / Tech !

So for partners items is ok for Google if clearly explained that we were paid to do. However, I've done articles partners on some of my sites with a different approach this time, it is really partners items . I published an article a webmaster on my site and publish it one of mine on his. Obviously, the two sites belong to the same theme. And everyone is benefiting.

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