02 January 2020

Ex-Google policy chief dumps on the tech giant for dodging human rights

Google’s ex-head of international relations, Ross LaJeunesse — who clocked up more than a decade working government and policy related roles for the tech giant before departing last year — has become the latest (former) Googler to lay into the company for falling short of its erstwhile “don’t be evil” corporate motto.

Worth noting right off the bat: LaJeunesse is making his own pitch to be elected as a U.S. senator for the Democrats in Maine, where he’s pitting himself against sitting Republican, Susan Collins. So this lengthy blog post, in which he sets out reasons for joining (“making the world better and more equal”), and — at long last — exiting, Google does look like an exercise in New Year reputation ‘exfoliation’, shall we say.

One that’s intended to anticipate and deflect any critical questions he may face on the campaign trail, given his many years of service to Mountain View. Hence the inclusion of overt political messaging, such as lines like: “No longer can massive tech companies like Google be permitted to operate relatively free from government oversight.”

Still, the post makes more awkward reading for Google. (Albeit, less awkward than the active employee activism the company continues to face over a range of issues — from its corporate culture and attitude towards diversity to product dev ethics.)

LaJeunesse claims that (unnamed) senior management actively evaded his attempts to push for it to adopt a company-wide Human Rights program that would, as he tells it, “publicly commit Google to adhere to human rights principles found in the UN Declaration of Human Rights, provide a mechanism for product and engineering teams to seek internal review of product design elements, and formalize the use of Human Rights Impact Assessments for all major product launches and market entries”.

“[E]ach time I recommended a Human Rights Program, senior executives came up with an excuse to say no,” LaJeunesse alleges, going on to claim that he was subsequently side-lined in policy discussions related to a censored search project Google had been working on to enable it to return to the Chinese market.

The controversial project, code-named Dragonfly, was later shut down, per LaJeunesse’s telling, after Congress raised questions — backing up the blog’s overarching theme that only political scrutiny can put meaningful limits on powerful technologists. (Check that already steady drumbeat for the 2020 US elections.)

He writes:

At first, [Google senior executives] said human rights issues were better handled within the product teams, rather than starting a separate program. But the product teams weren’t trained to address human rights as part of their work. When I went back to senior executives to again argue for a program, they then claimed to be worried about increasing the company’s legal liability. We provided the opinion of outside experts who re-confirmed that these fears were unfounded. At this point, a colleague was suddenly re-assigned to lead the policy team discussions for Dragonfly. As someone who had consistently advocated for a human rights-based approach, I was being sidelined from the on-going conversations on whether to launch Dragonfly. I then realized that the company had never intended to incorporate human rights principles into its business and product decisions. Just when Google needed to double down on a commitment to human rights, it decided to instead chase bigger profits and an even higher stock price.

Reached for comment, a Google spokesman sent us this statement, attributed to a Google spokeswoman: “We have an unwavering commitment to supporting human rights organisations and efforts. That commitment is unrelated to and unaffected by the reorganisation of our policy team, which was widely reported and which impacted many members of the team. As part of this reorganisation, Ross was offered a new position at the exact same level and compensation, which he declined to accept. We wish Ross all the best with his political ambitions.”

LaJeunesse’s blog post also lays into Google’s workplace culture — making allegations that bullying and racist stereotyping were commonplace.

Including even apparently during attempts by management to actively engage with the issue of diversity…

It was no different in the workplace culture. Senior colleagues bullied and screamed at young women, causing them to cry at their desks. At an all-hands meeting, my boss said, “Now you Asians come to the microphone too. I know you don’t like to ask questions.” At a different all-hands meeting, the entire policy team was separated into various rooms and told to participate in a “diversity exercise” that placed me in a group labeled “homos” while participants shouted out stereotypes such as “effeminate” and “promiscuous.” Colleagues of color were forced to join groups called “Asians” and “Brown people” in other rooms nearby.

We’ve asked Google for comment on these allegations and will update this post with any response.

It’s clearly a sign of the ‘techlash’ times that an ex-Googler, who’s now a senator-in-the-running, believes there’s political capital to be made by publicly unloading on his former employer. 

“The role of these companies in our daily lives, from how we run our elections to how we entertain and educate our children, is just too great to leave in the hands of executives who are accountable only to their controlling shareholders who — in the case of Google, Amazon, Facebook and Snap — happen to be fellow company insiders and founders,” LaJeunesse goes on to write, widening his attack to incorporate other FAANG giants.

Expect plenty more such tech giant piƱata in the run up to November’s ballot.

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Handle PowerShell Errors Like a Boss With These Tips


As the name implies, PowerShell is much more powerful than the standard Windows command prompt. With that power comes a greater possibility of confusing errors. If your script suddenly fails, you may not know where to begin looking for what went wrong. This is where PowerShell’s error handling comes in handy.

If you’re familiar with other languages, you probably know the basics of error handling, but there are some aspects specific to PowerShell you’ll need to know. There are four parts to error handling in PowerShell: the Error Action parameter, Try/Catch blocks, the Error Variable parameter, and logging.

PowerShell Error Handling the Easy Way

The first step in handling PowerShell errors is dealing with something that stops your script in its tracks. If the failure does not affect the rest of your script, it might be best just to tell PowerShell to ignore errors and move on.

On the other hand, it is not always clear when a given cmdlet throws a terminating error. Some cmdlets return an error but do not stop your script. This could leave you waiting for your script to complete while it outputs nonsense.

This is where the -ErrorAction parameter comes in. You use this to force a cmdlet to handle the error the way you want. If you are modifying an existing script, you append it to the end of the cmdlet line.

Get-ChildItem -Path "~\Documents\*.jpg" -Recurse -ErrorAction Stop

Obviously, if you are using the Get-ChildItem cmdlet on its own, this error does not do much for you. However, if you want to do anything with the data, it would be good to stop the script, so you know the search failed and why. Alternatively, if you are doing multiple searches, change the parameter from Stop to SilentlyContinue, so the script continues if a search fails. If you want to see what the error is, you can use Continue as the parameter instead.

Get-ChildItem -Path "~\Documents\*.jpg" -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

If you would rather have the option of controlling what happens each time your script runs, you can change it to Inquire. When your cmdlet hits a snag, it gives options: Yes, Yes For All, Halt Command, Suspend, or Help.

Simple PowerShell error handling using ErrorAction

This option is a bit more flexible but does mean errors cause your script to wait for your input. That’s fine if you’re using PowerShell to send an email or some other simple task, but it might not be something you want when you’re running a long process overnight.

PowerShell Error Handling the Powerful Way

The ErrorAction parameter addresses your errors in an uncomplicated way. However, if you are looking for a bit more control over errors, PowerShell still has you covered. Using Try/Catch, we can now branch the script when cmdlets return an error.

Error handling in PowerShell using try/catch

As the name suggests, Try/Catch is made up of two parts. (There is technically a third, but we will get to that in a minute.) The first is the Try section. You are going to run your normal code in this section. You are still going to use the -ErrorAction parameter, but it can only be set as Stop. This flag ensures that your cmdlet triggers the Catch—even if it does not have a terminating error.

  Get-Process "Cortana" -ErrorAction Stop

Try can also prevent other cmdlets from running if the search fails. In this case, if you were sending the Get-Process results to Stop-Process, a failed search prevents the second cmdlet from running.

So now that you’ve created a try block of cmdlets, what do you want to do when it fails? Using the Catch half, you are going to define this.

  Write-Host "Process Not Found"

As with the ErrorAction parameter, when you are doing something a bit more complex Catch will be useful for more than giving a plain language failure, especially when you are doing something a bit more complex. (In the example above, the failure is forced by using the app name, and not the process name.) So make sure that you play with the Try block to create a search/action you need. You can use the Catch block for your script to email you if it fails.

The third part comes in handy if you want something to run regardless of whether your cmdlet succeeds or not. For this, you can use the Finally block. You add this after Try and Catch and log when a section of your script ends.

The Error Variable and Logging

Your script now controls how it handles errors and how it responds to them. You can use it as a scheduled task, or at least run it when you are not at your desk. However, how can you investigate a failed script? With the -ErrorVariable parameter your cmdlet’s errors write to a custom variable.

This is an alternative to the system $Error variable, which contains all the errors from the current session.

Your cmdlet needs to get a bit longer. First, define a variable, something like $SearchError will do for the example. When you call SearchError in the ErrorVariable parmeter, you don’t use the dollar sign.

Even though you’re calling a variable you created, due to the way the parameter works you call it without the dollar sign. Then add that to the end of the line.

Get-ChildItem -Path "~\Documents\*.jpg" -Recurse -ErrorAction Continue -ErrorVariable SearchError

If you add a + in front of the variable name, you can add to the variable rather than replace it outright. That gets you the same behavior as the global error variable. Instead, you can use this output and Try/Catch to write custom output, and time stamp it.

PowerShell error logging

To make this work, create a text file right after you set the error variable. Do this with the New-Item cmdlet. You may want to use the Inquire option for the ErrorAction parameter. This lets you add to an existing log when the New-Item cmdlet fails.

$SearchLog = New-Item "~\SearchLog.txt" -type file -ErrorAction Inquire

Now when you build your Try/Catch block, you can use the Catch to log to a text file. You use Get-Date to create the timestamp. The formatting can be tricky so be sure to copy that from the example.

  Get-ChildItem -Path "~\Documents\*.jpg" -Recurse -ErrorAction Stop -ErrorVariable SearchError
  Add-Content -Path $SearchLog -Value "$(Get-Date -Format dd-MM-yy-hh_mm_ss) Files not found returned error: $SearchError"

Repeat that as needed for all your cmdlets, and you now have a nice log of any errors. If you want to track things that run successfully you can add a similar Add-Content at the end of the Try block.

This logging only runs when your Try cmdlet succeeds. You can then log your errors and successes with time stamps. The logging now lets you know everything that your script has done, success or failure.

PowerShell Isn’t Your Only Option

While PowerShell is a handy tool for plenty of Windows tasks, it can be tough to learn. It’s also not suited for everything. If you’re doing system maintenance on your computer or checking the integrity of a file, PowerShell is handy. On the other hand, if you’re looking to run a script to download files from the internet or some more general task, you have other options.

For example, if you come from a Unix or Linux background, you may be more comfortable using the bash shell. Thanks to the Windows Subsystem for Linux, you can now easily use bash and other Linux tools on your Windows 10 computer. If that sounds perfect to you, look no further than our guide to getting the bash shell running on Windows 10.

Read the full article: Handle PowerShell Errors Like a Boss With These Tips

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10 Free Alternatives to Microsoft Word You Should Try Today


Microsoft Word is a wildly popular word processor, but many still do not use it. Whether it’s because of cost, access, or preference, not everyone is a Word fan.

If you fall into this category, you might use alternative office suites like LibreOffice or WPS Office.

However, there are still plenty of other great and free options out there if you know where to look. Here are several fresh alternatives to Microsoft Word that you might not know about.

1. Jarte

Screenshot of Jarte--- an alternative to Microsoft Word

Jarte has a neat and clean interface that makes it simple to work with your documents. You can create multiple documents in one window using the tabs at the top. You also have options to customize the application for button labels, automatic detection of links, and word wrapping.


  • Edit with basic tools like copy, paste, find, and spell check as well as a dictionary and thesaurus.
  • Insert images, hyperlinks, tables, equations, and objects.
  • Format fonts with bold, italic, underline, color, size, and style.
  • Adjust paragraphs using alignment, indent, line spacing, and tab stops.
  • And more: Multiple views, counts for words, pages, and characters, zoom in or out, and a built-in screen capture feature.

You can download and use Jarte for free. If you are interested in bonus features such as custom keyboard shortcuts, scripting, and autocorrect, you can take a look at Jarte Plus.

Download: Jarte (Free)

2. AbleWord

AbleWord---an alternative to Microsoft Word

For an application with the same familiar appearance as Microsoft Word, check out AbleWord. You have a standard menu at the top for tools like File, Edit, and View, quick button actions right below for undo, redo, and spell check, and the font formatting bar beneath that.


  • Save documents as DOC, DOCX, PDF, HTML, or TXT.
  • Insert images, text frames, tables, and page numbers.
  • Format fonts, paragraphs, styles, columns, bullets, and numbering.
  • Use tables by inserting, selecting, or deleting along with merging and splitting cells.
  • And more: PDF file importing, print or draft layout views, word count, zoom in or out, and page layout options.

AbleWord is available for download at no charge with all features. And if you need help getting started, just click the Help button from the toolbar or visit AbleWord Online Help.

Download: AbleWord (Free)

3. WordGraph

WordGraph---an alternative to Microsoft Word

SSuite Office provides a host of applications like word processors, spreadsheets, and editors. One such product is called WordGraph and is a terrific alternative to Microsoft Word. Similar to AbleWord, you have a standard menu at the top, action buttons, and formatting toolbar. Each new document resides in its own tab.


  • Select views from full width, centered outline, or full height along with thumbnail views along the side.
  • Insert objects, images, tables, links, emoticons, equations, automatic text, and character art.
  • Format fonts, paragraphs, and visual text effects.
  • Use tools for spell check, word count, track changes, and online dictionaries, thesauruses, and translations.
  • And more: Tiled windows, document exporting, history, and statistics, keyboard shortcuts, and cloud storage integration.

You can download WordGraph for free as well as other products from SSuite. You might also check out the helpful online tutorials if you have any specific questions.

Download: WordGraph (Free)

4. FocusWriter

FocusWriter---an alternative to microsoft word

FocusWriter is ideal for those who want a distraction-free writing experience. When you open FocusWriter, you will see the document area on a wooden background. So, you can start writing immediately. But the application also offers the features you need in a word processor when you put your mouse towards the top of the window.


  • Edit with basic undo, redo, cut, copy, and paste features.
  • Format fonts, paragraphs, indents, and headings.
  • Use tools to find, replace, spell check, and symbols.
  • Adjust settings for focused text, themes, and focus preferences.
  • And more: Hideaway tools on all four edges, focus timer, daily progress statistics, goal setting, toolbar customizations, and keyboard shortcuts.

FocusWriter is free and available on multiple platforms. If you like features of word processors but prefer a focused writing tool, then this is the application for you.

Download: FocusWriter (Free)

5. Page Four

Page Four---an alternative to microsoft word

While intended for creative writers, Page Four is a wonderful word processor for master organizers as well. This is due to its Notebook feature which provides a structured hierarchy for your items. So, you can create new notebooks, add folders and subfolders, and insert pages easily.


  • Navigate to each page with tabs at the bottom of the window.
  • Format fonts, paragraphs, and lists.
  • Use tools to import or export notebooks, word count, and document locking via password.
  • Click Smart-Edit to scan your document for overused words and phrases.
  • Search for text on pages or in notebooks.
  • And more: Customizable view for full-screen writing, snapshot feature with list display, ability to insert dates, characters, links, or email addresses.

Page Four comes from Bad Wolf Software and is available at no charge. Just note, the application will not receive future enhancements. But if you like the idea of a free tool that keeps your work organized well, take it for a spin.

Download: Page Four (Free)

6. Shaxpir 4

Shaxpir 4 (pronounced like Shakespeare) is another word processor that is ideal for creative writers. But don’t let that stop you from trying it for papers, essays, and even for brainstorming for ideas. You can organize your documents by type like books, short stories, or articles, all within an attractive, intuitive interface.


  • Navigate to content using the sidebar.
  • Format fonts, paragraphs, styles, and lists.
  • Insert images, connections, and block quotes.
  • Export items as DOCX or HTML.
  • Plus: Version history (paid), word count, spell check, color-coded display for sentiment, vividness, and spelling, and content creation by type and folder.

Shaxpir 4 is available at no charge and comes with a free trial for Shaxpir 4: Pro. Should you decide to subscribe to the upgrade you will receive features like EPUB exporting, custom themes, and version history. However, you can still continue with the free version if you prefer.

Download: Shaxpir 4 (Free)

7. LyX

LyX---an alternative to microsoft word

LyX is a full-featured word processor with tons of extras. You might be surprised at the number of buttons you see beneath the menu when you open Lyx, but the screen tips as you mouse-over the buttons help. Select File > New and you are on your way. You can also work with multiple documents with the handy tabbed view.


  • Format fonts, lists, paragraphs, and sections.
  • View outline, source, and message panes within the window.
  • Insert everything from images, links, and tables to math formulas, citations, and comments.
  • Use tools for spell check, thesaurus, statistics, and file comparisons.
  • And more: Import and export with dozens of file types, math macros, margin notes and footnotes, labels, cross-references, and index entries.

LyX is free and open-source, and available across multiple platforms. The website offers a lot of helpful information regarding releases, bug tracking, and development statuses.

Download: LyX (Free)

8. Thinkfree Online Editor

If you would rather not download a word processor, Thinkfree Online Editor is an excellent option. To begin, either click the New Document plus sign on the main page or select Word from the New Document dropdown box at the top. When the editor opens, you will see your standard menu items and buttons.


  • Download documents as DOCX or PDF files.
  • Format fonts and paragraphs.
  • Add headers, footers, endnotes, page numbers, or page breaks.
  • Insert shapes, images, tables, text boxes, symbols, bookmarks, or links.
  • And more: Selection tools, ruler, and task pane views, zoom in or out, page setup options like size, orientation, color, and margins.

Website: Thinkfree Online Editor (Free)

9. Hemingway

Hemingway---an alternative to microsoft word

Another nice online editing option is Hemingway. You can click Write from the top to start and then Edit to access helpful tools. While this editor does not offer specific features for images, tables, or downloads like others, it does give you a good writing experience.


  • Format fonts with bold or italic.
  • Add headers that are H1, H2, or H3.
  • Create quotes with a click.
  • Insert links and lists with bullets or numbers
  • And more: Readability tools, color-coded display for active voice, adverbs, and hard-to-read sentences, and counts for words, characters, letters, and more.

Hemingway is one of the simplest yet useful free online writing tools. In addition to access on the internet, you can check out the Hemingway Editor 3 desktop app with plenty of awesome features.

Website: Hemingway (Free)
Download: Hemingway Editor 3 for Windows | Mac ($19.99)

10. Draft

Draft---an alternative to microsoft word

One final alternative to Microsoft Word that is available for free online is Draft. This very simple tool has the features you need to create, edit, and save your documents. Like Hemingway, you can write directly on the screen (once you create a free account). One of its standout features is version control.


  • Format fonts with bold or italic.
  • Insert comments, to-dos, images, snippets, and footnotes.
  • Export documents as TXT, HTML, DOC, or PDF.
  • Share for help with your documents from coworkers or fellow students.
  • And more: Create folders for organization, preview and Hemingway modes, import files, and customize interface settings.

Draft is a basic but an easy tool for your writing needs. From business to personal to educational, create the documents you need on any computer with internet access.

Website: Draft (Free)

The Best Alternatives to Microsoft Word

Whether it’s cost, access, or features, there are many word processors that can give you what you need if you want to veer from Microsoft Word. So, pick the right one for you and get writing!

If you’re interested in office suites instead of just document editors, take a look at these best free Microsoft Office alternatives. Or if you own a Mac, check out these free Office alternatives for macOS.

Read the full article: 10 Free Alternatives to Microsoft Word You Should Try Today

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How You Can Prepare for Winter Storms With These Apps and Websites


If you live in a colder climate where snow or ice is commonplace, you might have second thoughts about traveling between December to February. After all, winter driving conditions can get hazardous, and you don’t want to get caught in a storm.

What if you still want to go out and enjoy the season in this bad weather? Is there any way to avoid those bad roads without becoming a hermit during the colder winter months?

Here’s how to use technology to avoid winter storms, ranging from apps to websites.

1. Ready.gov

Winter Storm Warning Ready.Gov

Ready.gov is a weather preparedness website run by the government. On the website, Ready.gov tells you:

  • How to recognize severe weather.
  • How to prepare for severe weather.
  • What to do if you find yourself caught in a severe weather event.

Ready.gov covers every winter storm event or manmade disaster possible, ranging from hail to nuclear explosions. No, really.

The reason for this? The website aims to maximize awareness and minimize panic by breaking down what kind of weather is most likely to affect your region. You can see how this would come in handy during winter weather events.

As part of this in-depth planning, Ready.gov also shows you how to put together a family emergency plan for winter storm warnings. The information on Ready.gov is concrete, easy to understand, and vetted for accuracy. So you can trust the info you’re getting, and know what to do in an emergency.

2. The Weather Channel

Winter Storm the Weather Channel

The Weather Channel’s section on winter storms is a good resource for figuring out what the weather will be like in your area during the colder months.

While the articles are not as up-to-the-minute as something like The Weather Network’s radar maps, The Weather Channel will give you a good idea of the systemic issues affecting a particular area when it comes to winter storms. The site reports on the events that have already happened in your area and those that can be expected with a long-term forecast.

For example:

  • Let’s say you were planning to go on a road trip the next day, but there was a twenty-car pileup on a nearby highway.
  • Get available information on that pileup, along with feedback on whether or not slippery road conditions were involved.
  • Also, you can get a good estimate on how long the road is scheduled to be closed.

3. The National Weather Service: Winter Prediction Center

National Weather Service Winter Storm Warning

The Winter Prediction Center was set up by the National Weather Service to give you up-to-date information on weather events for every area in the United States.

The NWS aims to provide you with data on water safety, storm systems, long-term forecasts, and natural disasters. Additionally, the NWS draws its data from additional governmental resources, including its ability to rely on existing partnerships with other agencies when dealing with extremely bad storms.

You can stay as prepared as possible with the winter storm warnings. With a track record of doing just that for decades, they are a trusted and reputable source.

4. The Weather Network

The Weather Network App

The Weather Network is most commonly known as the go-to channel for up-to-the-minute weather reporting on current and future weather events. What is less well-known about this network, however, is that they also operate one of the top-rated weather apps.

Through the Weather Network’s app—available on iOS and Android—you can get updates on air quality or temperature fluctuations directly through your phone. The Network also relies on an extensive array of maps and local news stories to generate data.

Like the other sites on this list, The Weather Network is extremely accurate with the information it’s supplying.

Don’t like the apps, or don’t want to use them to get winter storm warnings? No worries. Just check out The Weather Network through your web browser to learn about bad road conditions for winter driving.

Download: The Weather Network for Android | iOS (Free)

5. Apple’s Weather App or Google Weather

Google Weather

Apple’s pre-installed “Weather” app for iOS devices is another source you can use. The app gives you current information on the weather forecast in your location, including snow, sleet, and hail. You can also find out the forecast for other regions, too, so long as you type them in.

Additionally—if you’re looking for another quick way to find local weather information—type “Google Weather” into Google’s search engine. Google will immediately give you detailed information on nearby temperature and precipitation trends. You can take a glance at the nice, simple infographic at the top to understand the trend.

You can also check out our article on the best weather widgets for Android.

6. Make an Emergency Kit With the Red Cross

Emergency Car Kit Winter Weather Red Cross

Lastly, it’s really important to understand that while you can use all these apps to help you prep for a winter storm, it doesn’t actually change the fact that winter weather can be unpredictable.

Sometimes a storm will hit you unexpectedly that keeps you stuck outdoors or stranded.

A winter emergency car kit can help you handle this crisis. The Red Cross is a great resource when it comes to putting together kits.

According to The Red Cross—when designing one yourself—make sure you have a brightly colored tie or piece of fabric to mark your car in whiteout conditions. You also want to make sure you have enough water on hand to avoid dehydration. Store emergency blankets in your back trunk as well.

Outside of that: If it looks like bad weather will keep you trapped at home, it’s common sense to have a battery-powered radio on hand in case the power goes out. Also make sure to dress warmly, to keep your body temperature normal.

Don’t Get Stuck in a Winter Storm

Scheduling hang-ups due to winter storms are unavoidable in colder climates. However, that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t go outside at all. If you plan your day right, keep your schedule flexible, and use some of these tech tools to help, you can still get out and about with minimum difficulty.

Looking for other tools to help you navigate the weather, whether it’s winter or not? Here are the best weather apps for the iPhone.

Read the full article: How You Can Prepare for Winter Storms With These Apps and Websites

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Is “Scam Likely” Calling You? Here’s How to Block Them


While you’re probably used to your phone’s caller ID letting you know who’s calling, you may have recently seen a strange “scam likely” message in its place instead. Who is “scam likely,” why are you seeing this, and what should you do?

Let’s look at the “scam likely” situation so you can understand it fully.

What Is “Scam Likely”?

“Scam Likely” is a message that appears for T-Mobile and MetroPCS (a subsidiary of T-Mobile) customers on incoming calls. It’s part of T-Mobile’s “Scam ID” feature, which works to prevent scam calls. The company has this turned on for everyone by default, which is why you probably saw this message appear all of a sudden.

T-Mobile checks all incoming calls to its customers’ phones against a database of known scam numbers. These include the usual signs of scam calls, such as government impersonation, demanding that you pay for something with gift cards, the classic tech support scam, or just plain old annoying robocalls.

Scam ID is applied at the network level, so you’ll see “Scam Likely” on iPhone, Android, and even basic phones. You don’t have to install any special apps to use it.

Can I Trust “Scam Likely” Calls?

Scam Likely iPhone

There’s a chance that you’ll see “Scam Likely” on a legitimate call, since no automatic filter is perfect. However, we recommend taking extreme caution if you choose to answer a call with this tag. Chances are that almost all “Scam Likely” calls are indeed trying to deceive you.

When in doubt, ignore calls from unknown numbers. They’ll leave a message if it’s important. And if you’re ever on a call that makes you feel uncomfortable, just hang up.

How to Block “Scam Likely” Calls

T-Mobile Security Features

If you get a lot of “Scam Likely” calls and want to take this a step further, T-Mobile offers a free “Scam Block” feature as well. This allows you to automatically block all calls marked “Scam Likely” so they never reach your phone.

To opt into it, open your phone’s dialer app. Enter #662# and call this number to activate the service. If you decide you want to turn it off later, dial #632#. You can call #787# anytime if you’re not sure whether you have it enabled or not.

For more on Scam Block, visit T-Mobile’s Mobile Security page. You can click Log in to activate under Scam Block to use the feature without making a call.

How to Identify Scam Calls on Other Carriers

The “Scam Likely” warning is great, but what if you don’t use T-Mobile or MetroPCS? Most other carriers have their own similar service. This is due to the new STIR/SHAKEN standard that US carriers are currently implementing on their networks.

Essentially, this is a set of protocols that allows carriers to fight back against caller ID spoofing. You’ve probably experienced this when you receive a call from a number that matches your area code and exchange. For example, if your number is (718) 555-1212, you might get a call from (718) 555-3434. This is a scammer attempting to gain your trust by disguising their far-away number as a local one.

Eventually, these standards will allow providers to display a “Call Verified” message on your phone to confirm that it wasn’t spoofed. This is already available on select Android devices with T-Mobile, and should roll out to more carriers and phones in the future.

Identifying Scam Calls With Sprint, Verizon, AT&T, and Others

If you have AT&T, you can download AT&T Call Protect for iOS and Android. It includes spam and fraud blocking features for free, plus an optional in-app purchase for advanced protection.

Sprint offers a free basic spam detection plan that’s on by default, but you can also sign up for its Premium Caller ID for $3/month. You’ll need to sign up for this through your Sprint account.

Verizon states that all customers who have an eligible device are automatically enrolled in its free Call Filter service. You can download the Verizon Call Filter app for iOS or Android to manage this. As you’d expect, Verizon also offers a paid subscription service.

And if you use T-Mobile and are interested in extra protection, you can sign up for Name ID for a few dollars per month.

How to Handle Unwanted Calls on Android and iPhone

Don’t use these carriers, or don’t want to pay for a service like this? Thankfully, both Android and iOS allow you to detect and block scam calls no matter what carrier you have.

Handling Scam Calls on Android

Stock Android’s Phone app will warn you of suspected spammers, which is great.

To make sure this is enabled, open the app and tap the three-dot Menu button at the top-right. Hit Settings, then select Caller ID & spam. Enable the first slider to identify spam callers when your phone is ringing. The second one will block spam calls altogether.

If you don’t have this app on your phone or you want stronger protection, check out our guide on blocking unwanted calls and texts on Android. You can block numbers as they call you, or use a third-party app to filter out spam.

Filter and Block Scam Calls on iPhone

On your iPhone, you can open the Phone app and tap Recents to see everyone who’s called you. Tap the i icon next to a spam number to open its contact page, then scroll down and tap Block this caller to prevent it from calling you.

In iOS 13, Apple introduced a feature that allows you to filter out all calls from unknown numbers. You’ll find it at Settings > Phone > Silence Unknown Callers. If you enable this, all calls from numbers you don’t have in your contacts will be silenced and go immediately to voicemail.

This is a handy option, though it’s a bit heavy-handed. Most people occasionally receive legitimate calls from unknown numbers, such as an appointment reminder or an emergency call from someone using a friend’s phone. Thankfully, the feature still allows numbers you’ve recently called or those from Siri Suggestions to go through.

We recommend only enabling this if you get a lot of spam, as you might miss important calls otherwise. Otherwise, take a look at the best apps for blocking spam calls on iPhone.

How to Stop “Scam Likely” Calls

The best way to stop “Scam Likely” calls from happening in the first place is to protect your mobile number.

If you haven’t done so already, you should add your number to the National Do Not Call Registry. While this doesn’t stop all calls, it filters out annoying telemarketing and similar junk.

Do Not Call Registry

Otherwise, you should also be careful where you give out your number. Nearly every online promotion, account, and other service requires your phone number these days. In some cases, the companies are allowed to share your number with affiliates for marketing purposes, which is obviously undesirable.

Think twice before sharing your number online. You may want to sign up for a free Google Voice number to use as a secondary contact method. If you provide this for all non-essential services, you can silence the number and not worry about incoming calls.

“Scam Likely” No Longer!

We’ve taken a look at what “Scam Likely” calls are and what you should do about them. In summary, this is a simply helpful warning as mobile carriers upgrade their networks to fight dangerous and unwanted calls. You can take further steps to block these calls if you receive them often, and you shouldn’t need to pay anything to do so.

Call spam isn’t the only type of unwanted communication you’ll come across on your phone. Next, find out how to report spam text messages.

Read the full article: Is “Scam Likely” Calling You? Here’s How to Block Them

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Dangerous times call for dangerous women | Pat Mitchell

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