02 April 2019

April Fools’ Day, rebuilding edtech, and trash fires

Guest writing for Extra Crunch / TechCrunch

We have published a smattering of interesting guest posts on TechCrunch and Extra Crunch from experts in their fields who want to spread their smart ideas to more people. Know someone who is brimming with ideas that deserves a larger platform? Definitely drop us a line and read what we are looking for.

Remote workers are the next “tech hub”

We have a provocative argument from Sherwood Morrison about the rise of the remote worker, which is near-and-dear to my heart. Morrison writes:

You don’t have to look far to find startup gurus and VCs who strongly advise against being remote, much less a nomad. The basic reasoning is simple: Not having a location doesn’t add anything, so why do it? Startups are fragile, so it’s best to avoid any work practice that could disrupt delicate growth cycles.

But that view is incorrect. For companies that have chosen to be distributed, remote has added value. Some claim they wouldn’t have grown as fast or as well if they weren’t remote. And there’s more to being a nomad than making sure your prime years go to better experiences than a daily commute between San Francisco and San Mateo.

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