13 October 2019

Samsung’s Galaxy Fold concierge service is live in the US for those who need it

Part of Samsung’s reboot of the Galaxy Fold was the announcement of a Premiere Service. Along with a reinforced version of the phone and a lot more warning labels, the company announced that it would also be a 24/7 care service…just in case something happened with the device.

I had some issues with my in just over a day, after not running into any trouble with the original version of the phone. Given how gingerly the company insists users act with the device, my issue doesn’t appear to be particularly widespread — good news for Samsung on that front. Even so, this sort of things feels pretty necessary for a $2,000 (and up) phone that is effectively in mass beta testing.

close fold

Two weeks after making the device available in the States, Premier Service has gone live. Sammobile noted the addition of Fold Concierge via a new software update, bringing with it support via phone or video chat. The list of potentially helpful features ranges from on-boarding with the device to a $149, same-day screen replacement service. That can be accommodated in person at a number of locations.

It’s a pretty unique offer from a big consumer electronics company — though the Fold is nothing if not unique, I suppose. I’ve got a fuller write up of my impressions of the handset here. The TLDR version is the I can’t recommend the purchase of what is very much a first generation device that’s double the price of a standard flagship. If you’re so inclined, however, Samsung’s got a hotline for you.

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Sublime Text 3 Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet

File menu view in Sublime Text on macOS

Sublime Text is a slick, responsive cross-platform text editor that the developer community swears by. If you rely on menus and buttons to find your way around in this powerful program, you’re missing out on a faster, more seamless experience.

But you can fix that easily by switching to keyboard shortcuts to control Sublime Text.

You don’t have to do much to discover them all. We already have the most essential Sublime Text 3 shortcuts lined up for you in our cheat sheet below!

The shortcuts work on Windows and most of them work on Linux also. With a few modifier key replacements, they work on macOS too. (Swap out Ctrl for Cmd and Alt for Option when you use Sublime Text on macOS.)

FREE DOWNLOAD: This cheat sheet is available as a downloadable PDF from our distribution partner, TradePub. You will have to complete a short form to access it for the first time only. Download Sublime Text 3 Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet.

The Sublime Text 3 Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet

Shortcut Action
Menu Control
Ctrl + Shift + N New window
Ctrl + Shift + W Close window
Ctrl + O Open file
Ctrl + Shift + T Reopen last file
Ctrl + N New file
Ctrl + S Save file
Ctrl + Shift + S Save file as
Ctrl + F4 Close file
Ctrl + W Close Sublime
Windows, Files, and Tabs
Ctrl + KB Toggle sidebar
Ctrl + Page Down/Page Up Move to next/previous open tab
Ctrl + Tab/Ctrl + Shift + Tab Move to next/previous open tab by stack (order they were opened)
Ctrl + Shift + T Reopen last closed tab
Ctrl +/- Zoom - increase/decrease font size
Ctrl + P Quick Open - Show file list of currently opened file
Shift + F11 Toggle Distraction-free mode
Ctrl + Alt + Up Column selection up
Ctrl + Alt + Down Column selection down
Ctrl + Shift + P Command Prompt
Ctrl + Shift + Alt + P Show Scope in status bar
F11 Toggle Full Screen mode
Split Window
Alt + Shift + 1 Split layout to 1 column
Alt + Shift + 2 Split layout to 2 columns
Alt + Shift + 3 Split layout to 3 columns
Alt + Shift + 4 Split layout to 4 columns
Alt + Shift + 5 Split layout to 2 vertical and 2 horizontal grids (4 Groups)
Alt + Shift + 8 Split layout to 2 rows
Ctrl + [NUM] Jump to group where NUM is 1-4
Ctrl + Shift + [NUM] Move file to specified group where NUM is 1-4
Ctrl + K, then Arrow Up (with Ctrl pressed) Open new pane, and move current window into new pane
Ctrl + K, then Arrow Down Close current pane
Ctrl + K, then left arrow/Arrow Right Move to next pane to the left arrow/ right arrow
Ctrl + K, then Ctrl + Shift+Arrow Right/Arrow Left Open new tab in pane to the left arrow/ right arrow\
Alt + 1…0 Jump to tab 1..10 in current pane
Ctrl + Arrow Left/Arrow Right Move one word left arrow/right arrow
Alt + Arrow Left/Arrow Right Move one sub-word left arrow/ right arrow
Page Up/Page Down Move one page up arrow/down arrow
Home/End Move to beginning of line/end of line
Ctrl + Arrow Up/Arrow Down Scroll page up arrow/down arrow without changing cursor position
Ctrl + M Move to opening bracket of faction, repeat for closing bracket
Ctrl + R Show Function List and navigate
Ctrl + Shift + R Show Function List without changing cursor position
Ctrl+; Go to word in current file
Alt+ -/+ on Numeric Keypad Jump forward/backwards to/from previous positions or selections
Shift + Arrow Left/Arrow Right Extend selection one character left arrow/right arrow
Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Left/Arrow Right Extend selection one word left arrow/right arrow
Alt + Shift + Arrow Left/Arrow Right Extend selection one sub-word left arrow/right arrow
Shift + Arrow Up/Arrow Down Extend selection one line up arrow/down arrow
Shift + Page Up/Page Down Extend selection one page up arrow/down arrow
Shift + Home/End Extend selection to beginning/end of line
Ctrl + Shift + Home/End Extend selection to beginning of file/end of file
Ctrl + A Select All
Ctrl + L Select Line
Ctrl + D Select current word, continue press D for expanding selection. Then continue in multi-line editing mode
Alt + F3 Select all occurrences of current word, then continue in multi-line editing mode
Ctrl + Shift + L With multiple lines selected - enter multi-line editing mode.
Esc Cancel selection
Ctrl + Shift + J Select lines in this indention
Ctrl + Shift + A Expand selection
Ctrl + Shift + Space Expand selection
Ctrl + Shift + M Select current function enclosed by brackets or parentheses
Ctrl + KU Change selection to upper case
Ctrl + KL Change selection to lower case
Cut, Copy, and Delete
Shift + Delete Cut
Ctrl + Insert Copy
Shift + Insert Paste
Ctrl + X Cut
Ctrl + C Copy
Ctrl + V Paste
Ctrl + Shift + V Paste and match current indention
Ctrl + KV Paste from History
Delete Delete character to the right
Backspace Delete character to the left
Ctrl + Backspace Delete word to the left
Ctrl + Delete Delete word to the right
Ctrl + Shift + Backspace Delete from cursor to beginning of line
Ctrl + Shift + Delete Delete from cursor to end of line
Undo and Redo
Ctrl + Z Undo
Ctrl + Shift + Z Redo
Ctrl + Y Redo or repeat
Find and Replace
Ctrl + F Find
F3 Find next
Shift + F3 Find previous
Alt + F3 (After selecting) Replace every selection
Ctrl + H Replace
Ctrl + I Incremental search
Ctrl + Shift + F Find in Files
Ctrl + F, Alt + Enter Find then Multi Edits
Ctrl + E Use selection to find field
Ctrl + Shift + E Use selection to replace field
Line Manipulation
Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Up/Arrow Down Move line or selection up arrow/down arrow
Ctrl + Enter Insert line after and position cursor at beginning of new line
Ctrl + J Join line below at end of current line
Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Down Duplicate lines (on Sublime 3 on Windows this seem to no longer work, try Ctrl+Shift+D instead)
Ctrl + T Transpose
F9 Sort Lines (case sensitive)
Shift + F9 Sort Lines (case insensitive)
Ctrl + ] / [ Indent/unindent
Ctrl + Shift + D Duplicate line or selection
Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Up/Arrow Down Move line or selection up arrow/down arrow
Code Folding
Ctrl + Shift + [ Fold selection
CtrlL + Shift + ] Unfold selection
Ctrl + K, Then Press 1 Fold all
CTRL + K, Then press J Unfold all
CTRL + 2/9 Fold level
CTRL + / Comment line
CTRL + SHIFT + / Block comment
CTRL + F2 New bookmark
F2 Next Bookmark
SHIFT + F2 Previous bookmark
CTRL + SHIFT + F2 Clear bookmarks
F6 Toggle spell checking
Ctrl + F6 Find next misspelling
Ctrl + Shift + F6 Find previous misspelling
Ctrl+` Toggle Console
Alt + V, then W Toggle word wrap - View - Word wrap

More Tips for Sublime Text Editing

While keyboard shortcuts can transform your Sublime Text experience by themselves, there are many more ways to build a faster and more productive workflow. By the way, you can also use the program for taking notes. After all, Sublime Text has all the necessary ingredients to make a stellar note-taking app for programmers!

Image Credit: Ilya Pavlov on Unsplash

Read the full article: Sublime Text 3 Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet

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Google’s Pixel 4 briefly went up for preorder on Best Buy Canada

The Pixel 4 is set to be unveiled at an event on Tuesday. This much we know for sure. We know a bunch more, too, (as outlined in this rumor roundup from yesterday), thanks to both official reveals and unofficial leaks. How much of this was planned is hard to say, but Google seemingly doesn’t mind building up the hype cycle.

Earlier today, Best Buy Canada made what may well be the most egregious reveal today (granted, there are three more days left to leak). The big box store posted up a preorder page for the upcoming smartphone. As expected, the listing was taken down, but not before 9to5Google managed to snap some screen shots.

From the looks of things, the rumors are pretty spot on. The device will come in both standard and XL versions, at 5.7 and 6.3 inches, respectively. Both models sport a Snapdradon 855, 6GB of RAM and 64GB of storage, along with a new Face Unlock feature. There are dual camera on each, per the listing — 12 and 16 megapixels — in the iPhone 11-esque square configuration.

pixel 4 specs leak

There’s a single front-facing 8 megapixel camera on each, and a 2,800 and 3,700mAh battery on the Pixel 4 and Pixel 4 XL. Other highlights including the expected addition of “Quick Gestures,” which use use a wave of the hand to interact with the device — similar to features we’ve seen on other handsets before.

Conspicuously missing from the preorder, however, is the expected “Oh So Orange” color. Could be a preorder thing or maybe Best Buy Canadian customers will have to settle for Just Black and Clearly White. Maybe the company is saving some surprises for Tuesday’s event. Maybe.

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Google’s Pixel 4 briefly went up for preorder on Best Buy Canada

The Pixel 4 is set to be unveiled at an event on Tuesday. This much we know for sure. We know a bunch more, too, (as outlined in this rumor roundup from yesterday), thanks to both official reveals and unofficial leaks. How much of this was planned is hard to say, but Google seemingly doesn’t mind building up the hype cycle.

Earlier today, Best Buy Canada made what may well be the most egregious reveal today (granted, there are three more days left to leak). The big box store posted up a preorder page for the upcoming smartphone. As expected, the listing was taken down, but not before 9to5Google managed to snap some screen shots.

From the looks of things, the rumors are pretty spot on. The device will come in both standard and XL versions, at 5.7 and 6.3 inches, respectively. Both models sport a Snapdradon 855, 6GB of RAM and 64GB of storage, along with a new Face Unlock feature. There are dual camera on each, per the listing — 12 and 16 megapixels — in the iPhone 11-esque square configuration.

pixel 4 specs leak

There’s a single front-facing 8 megapixel camera on each, and a 2,800 and 3,700mAh battery on the Pixel 4 and Pixel 4 XL. Other highlights including the expected addition of “Quick Gestures,” which use use a wave of the hand to interact with the device — similar to features we’ve seen on other handsets before.

Conspicuously missing from the preorder, however, is the expected “Oh So Orange” color. Could be a preorder thing or maybe Best Buy Canadian customers will have to settle for Just Black and Clearly White. Maybe the company is saving some surprises for Tuesday’s event. Maybe.

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