15 April 2013

YouTube's Tape Mode Easter Egg

YouTube's player added a "tape mode" button for many videos to celebrate "the 57th birthday of the first commercially available video recorder". The tape mode uses some VHS-like effects that add noise, distortion, pixel blocks, video compression artifacts. If you press the "pause" button, you'll see a shaking effect that simulates what happened when a VHS tape was paused.

To try this feature, you can add "&vhs=1" to the URL of a YouTube video, like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2XmymhCdHU&vhs=1.

{ Thanks, Sterling. }

TouchPal, A Better Touch Keyboard For Windows 8


Computer users who’re running Windows 8 on a non-touch machine probably might not have discovered the new touch keyboard included in the newest version of Windows. The new touch keyboard, specially designed for touchscreens, comes with decent set of features and works pretty well too. The all new touch keyboard in Windows 8 shows text [...]

Wordpress users be alert now

The founder of WordPress, Matt Mullenweg has published a security alert on his site today.

There's a massive botnet that is searching for WordPress installations which use admin as their login username.

The botnet is using over 90,000 I.P addresses so it can constantly retry and login using different password combinations until it works out your password.