20 June 2017

Is Patching Your Computers Really the Safest Option?


Where were you when WanaCryptor surged around the globe? The highly virulent self-replicating ransomware (a ransomworm, of sorts) swept across most of Europe, the Middle East, and Asia, encrypting valuable and important files in the process. The response was swift, as it had to be. But the infection still hit over 200,000 systems around the world, some in mission critical infrastructure. As such, Microsoft issued extra security patches for Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, and Windows 8. Patching is usually the most efficient method of eradicating a glaring security issue — except for when, in some cases, it goes wrong....

Read the full article: Is Patching Your Computers Really the Safest Option?

How to Save Webpages for Offline Viewing on Android


Recently, Google has taken steps to make Android more offline friendly. You can save Google Maps areas offline and even queue up Google searches when you’re not connected to the internet. What Android lacked was a simple and official way to save entire web pages for offline use. Yes, there were third-party apps and solutions from Android phone manufacturers. But now Google has an offline mode built right into Chrome. In this article, we’ll show you how Chrome’s offline feature works, along with three other alternative methods for getting the job done. 1. Save Offline Using Chrome Google’s own Chrome browser now...

Read the full article: How to Save Webpages for Offline Viewing on Android

Found a Lost or Stolen iPhone? Here’s What to Do


Even with the best of intentions, it can be difficult to know how to proceed when you find a lost or stolen iPhone. Fortunately there are a few things you can do to help return the device to its rightful owner. There’s no “finders keepers” exception when it comes to other people’s property, so holding onto something that isn’t yours could be considered theft. It’s also pointless in the case of an iPhone, since most iPhones can’t be used once they’re lost thanks to a feature called Activation Lock. So here’s what to do. 1. Is It Charged? Action: Buy or borrow...

Read the full article: Found a Lost or Stolen iPhone? Here’s What to Do

How To Transfer Kaspersky License To Another Computer


Kaspersky Lab produces some of the best antivirus software for Windows operating system. Kaspersky Antivirus, Kaspersky Internet Security, and Kaspersky Total Security are the three popular commercial products from Kaspersky Lab. Readers often ask us if it’s possible to transfer Kaspersky license from one PC to another. In short, the answer is, yes. If you […]

The post How To Transfer Kaspersky License To Another Computer appeared first on Into Windows. Content from IntoWindows website.

Write or Code Faster in Your Linux Text Editor With Custom Themes


As a Linux user, there’s a non-zero chance that a text editor is your favorite app — even if you aren’t a developer. I’m a writer, and I love using gedit to write notes and articles in Markdown. Whether you’re tweaking TXT files to change part of your interface, banging out code, or writing scripts and setting up cron jobs, there’s ample reason Linux has given you a new appreciation for text editors. Unlike word processors, text editors don’t let you tinker with text all that much. As a result, you may mistakenly believe that what you see is all...

Read the full article: Write or Code Faster in Your Linux Text Editor With Custom Themes

The Total Beginner’s Guide to Using Google Home Like a Pro


While the Amazon Echo has become a household name in the smart home sphere, the Google Home (our review) isn’t far off. The Echo, powered by Alexa, has had more time to mature as a platform. But if you’re more invested in Google’s ecosystem, you’ve got an extremely fun and capable device in the Home to put to work. It even features some advantages over the Echo, like support for multiple users based solely on their voices. Let us walk you through the basics of the Google Home, how to work with its out-of-the-box commands, and show you how to...

Read the full article: The Total Beginner’s Guide to Using Google Home Like a Pro

The Half-Forgotten Way to Compile Real News Feeds: RSS


It doesn’t matter where you get your news from — it’s hard to find quality information among the endless amounts of propaganda, lies, and satire posing as real content. All newspapers and TV channels are guilty, as are plenty of supposedly “independent” websites. Rather than keep fighting a losing battle, why not take matters into your own hands? The trick is to use RSS (no, the technology isn’t dead). If you combine RSS outputs with a couple of third-party tools, you can create a single customized news feed which only contains legitimate stories you care about. In this article, I’m going...

Read the full article: The Half-Forgotten Way to Compile Real News Feeds: RSS

Apple AirPods Review

When Apple removed the headphone socket from the iPhone 7, they promised us they had a solution in the works. That solution is wireless audio using the company’s new W1 standard, and we’re happy to report that the technology is sound. But the AirPods aren’t the only pair of headphones that make use of the new standard. Since Apple bought Beats, there are several other models that offer great wireless sound and impressive battery life. So are the AirPods really worth it? Or should you spend your money elsewhere? EarPods + Courage = AirPods? When it comes to personal audio, you’ll be forgiven for...

Read the full article: Apple AirPods Review

Bye Bye Chrome! Why We Switched to Firefox


There was a time when Chrome truly sat atop the throne as Browser King, but those days are long gone. The gap has closed, and depending on who you ask, Chrome has been overtaken. I once believed that Chrome was “the best,” but nowadays you may be happier elsewhere. According to browser market share, Firefox is Chrome’s biggest contender if we ignore Internet Explorer (mainly used in business environments unwillingly). And over the past year, Firefox usage has risen quite a bit — from 7.7 percent in August 2016 to 12.0 percent in May 2017. Why are people returning to...

Read the full article: Bye Bye Chrome! Why We Switched to Firefox

How to Disable the Annoying Windows 10 “Hi” Screen

Everyone wants to get into their computer faster. One of the roadblocks to this you may have noticed occurs when you create a new account in Windows 10: the OS takes a few moments to “set things up for you” and tell you that the Store can offer you new apps. Of course, most users don’t care about this and just want to sign in and get started. Thankfully, you can disable this animation and save a bit of time next time you make a new PC account. If you have Windows 10 Pro, you can use the Group Policy...

Read the full article: How to Disable the Annoying Windows 10 “Hi” Screen

How To Create A Microsoft Account For Windows 10


There are many benefits of signing into Windows 10 with a Microsoft account. A Microsoft account allows you to sync Windows 10 settings across devices, purchase apps, music, movies and games from the Store, link your Windows 10 license to your Microsoft account, access services like OneDrive, and more. While installing Windows 10, the setup […]

The post How To Create A Microsoft Account For Windows 10 appeared first on Into Windows. Content from IntoWindows website.

How to See the Exact Time Your WhatsApp Message Was Read


It’s really easy to tell when your WhatsApp or Telegram has been delivered or read, but did you know that you can actually find out the exact time your WhatsApp message has been read? WhatsApp Mobile App To find out what time your message has been read (provided the recipient has not turned read receipts off) on your iPhone or Android phone, do the following: Navigate to the exact message you’re interested in. Swipe the message to the left to open up the Message Info tab. You’ll be able to see the exact time it was delivered and the exact...

Read the full article: How to See the Exact Time Your WhatsApp Message Was Read

How to Find High-Quality Academic Papers With One Search

An academic search engine is a must for every student or researcher, and now there’s an alternative to Google Scholar: Semantic Scholar, a new academic search engine that caters to researchers. While Google Scholar is best for deep web research, Semantic Scholar runs on a sophisticated technology that will only improve with every year it runs: artificial intelligence. The AI-Based Search Engine Semantic Scholar caters to neurology and computer science research for now. Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen and his non-profit Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence are behind the development. Google Scholar has a far broader base and more than 200 million papers in its index....

Read the full article: How to Find High-Quality Academic Papers With One Search

Reuse, Repurpose, and Upcycle Anything With These Guides


A lot of us have a bad habit of throwing things away instead of thinking about how to use them better. Whether it’s broken or not, our instinct to any item we don’t want or use is to chuck it into the trash. Stop for a second and check out these guides to see the golden opportunities you’re throwing away. There is a strong movement on the internet around reusing, repurposing, or “upcycling” items. The idea is exactly what it sounds like: to take a thing you aren’t using, and put it to another use instead. Some of these require...

Read the full article: Reuse, Repurpose, and Upcycle Anything With These Guides

Apple Music Has a Secret $99 Annual Subscription

Apple is now offering an annual subscription to Apple Music. And anyone taking the company up on the offer can save almost 20 percent every year. However, for some strange reason Apple has hidden the annual subscription option away from view, meaning you’ll have to go hunting for it. Apple Music is one of a number of amazing music streaming services which have managed to simultaneously reduce piracy and reinvigorate people’s love of music. Unfortunately, some people balk at the price, arguing that $120-a-year is too expensive. OK, so how does $99-per-year sound? Save Money on Apple Music As first...

Read the full article: Apple Music Has a Secret $99 Annual Subscription

The 8 Best Portable Hard Drives You Can Buy Right Now

External hard drives make more sense than internal drives these days. You can connect it to any device, hook it up to your router for access on any gadget, and always carry your data with you. There’s a small distinction between external or desktop hard drives and portable hard drives. It’s mainly about the size and the need for a power supply. Portable hard drives use 2.5-inch hard disk drives and run off the power of the USB cable. External hard drives use 3.5-inch hard disk drives and require a separate power supply. Generally speaking, a portable hard drive makes...

Read the full article: The 8 Best Portable Hard Drives You Can Buy Right Now

Here’s Why You Should Simply Give In to Google


Google powers internet search for just under two-thirds of U.S. adults. Google produces routers, installs fiber connections, and is working on driverless vehicles. Google’s Android is now the mobile operating system of choice for 86 percent of all smartphone users, and well over 50 percent of the U.S. smartphone market. There aren’t many areas where Google isn’t involved. But search and data remains the primary income source, and long shall it remain. Google has unfettered power over our internet search. Privacy advocates believe Google simply has too much power and too much responsibility for a single corporation to handle. Are those privacy...

Read the full article: Here’s Why You Should Simply Give In to Google

How Facial Recognition is Invading your Privacy


Facial recognition has been an important part of science fiction for the past 50 years. In most of those works it is painted as a means of oppression — part of a surveillance state and a form of control. A combination of circumstances — the low cost of computing, improvements in machine learning, proliferation of internet connected devices — has once again turned science fiction into reality. With facial recognition starting to be used in the mainstream for security and safety purposes, will it eventually turn into the dystopian future many imagined? Thankfully many countries have laws in place which...

Read the full article: How Facial Recognition is Invading your Privacy

Listen Up! 7 Ways to Listen to Free Music Online

All of us are extremely lucky. Thanks to the proliferation of services like Spotify, Google Play Music, and Apple Music, we live in an age where it’s easier than ever to listen to any song you want almost instantaneously. Of course, there are lots of things to consider when you’re about to sign up for a music streaming service – one of the most important of which is the price. Sure, $10-a-month isn’t too expensive, but it’s also too much for a lot of people. Students or large families with low incomes often can’t afford to throw away so much...

Read the full article: Listen Up! 7 Ways to Listen to Free Music Online

You Now Have 7 Ways to Turn Your Smartphone Into a PC 

You left your laptop at work, and you have an urgent report that needs completing and emailing to your boss. And you’re just arriving at the hotel on the first night of your holidays. What should you do? Well, as long as your documents are stored in the cloud, you could finish off the report using your smartphone — not as a phone, however, but as a PC. Just plug it into the hotel room TV, finish off the report, email it, and enjoy the rest of your vacation. But is it as easy as that? Yes it is! In fact, there’s a good...

Read the full article: You Now Have 7 Ways to Turn Your Smartphone Into a PC