22 September 2013

How to Brute Force Attack and how to prevent from Brute Force Attack

Brute Force Attack comes under cryptography technique for find an secure key from encrypted data. i.e. a brute force attack consists of trying every possible code, combination, or password until you find the right one.

In brute force attack it systematically check all possible keys until the correct key is found. So it totally depends upon the key length as longer keys exponentially more difficult to crack the password than shorter ones. This is the most used method for cracking password .

for example: we choose a password of 2 characters long and it will be include only alphabets than the brute force attack would guesses 2704 attempt as a password. In Our password it will contain two words and it will be upper case or in lower case.

for first Words: lower case letters(26) + Upper case letters(26) = 52

For Second Words: Same as =52

So the brute force attack will attempt 52*52=2704 guesses.

How to increase Security against Brute Force Attack

This is the most asked question that everybody want to to find. To secure your password follow the below Points:

  • Increase the length of pin, should be 10 elements min as password.

  • Include symbols on your password such as @,!,#,$ etc

  • lock the account after 3 fail attempts.

  • give some time delay between failed authentication attempts such as 1min.

In our next post we discuss on Dictionary Attack , So Stay Tuned Here.Clock

The post How to Brute Force Attack and how to prevent from Brute Force Attack appeared first on Hack Illusion.

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