28 March 2013

What Should Have Been Culled Instead Of Google Reader? [We Ask You]

The biggest technology news to break recently was undoubtedly the shutting down of Google Reader, with the search and advertising giant deciding it was no longer interested in providing an RSS application to the masses. The outcry from RSS enthusiasts was deafening, to the point that some of us wondered whether Google hadn’t actually declared war on a country rather than having culled another one of its myriad of free services.

Thankfully there are plenty of alternatives to Google Reader, so no one needs to go without their RSS feeds come July. Kannon has since tried to prepare us for future Google culls, suggesting which services Google may kill off in the future and providing alternatives for them all well ahead of time.

No one likes to see something they use regularly pulled from availability. However, there must be an online service, Web app, tech company, social network, operating system, or piece of hardware you’d happily see carted off to the mortuary. It’s this subject that forms the basis for this week’s We Ask You.

This Week’s Question…

We want to know, What Should Have Been Culled Instead Of Google Reader? It turns out that a great many of the MakeUseOf readership were loyal users of Google Reader, and its death is therefore a source of frustration. This is your chance to blow off some of that pent-up frustration with a little snark. It’s healthy once in a while.

After last week’s epic and serious discussion on how the Internet should be governed in the future, it’s time for a more lighthearted topic. We don’t normally condone negativity here on MakeUseOf, but just this once we want you to be as negative as you can.

We want you to name one thing related to technology that you’d like to see culled. It could be a hardware manufacturer or one of the products they make, an online service you hate but use begrudgingly, an operating system that has proved to be more trouble than its worth, or even one specific part of a website, such as the Facebook Timeline.

We cannot promise that the thing you choose will blink out of existence once you submit your comment, but stranger things have happened. We may even find a consensus among the readership, in which case that product, service, or company will have to surely concede its time is limited.

As usual we prefer comments that comprise of more than just a word or two, so please also give your reasons for making your choice.

Drawing Conclusions

All comments will be digested to form conclusions in a follow-up post next week where we will detail what You Told Us. One reader will be chosen for the coveted Comment Of The Week, getting their name up in lights, the respect of other readers, and 150 MakeUseOf points to use for MakeUseOf Rewards. What more motivation than that do you need to respond?

We Ask You is a weekly column dedicated to finding out the opinions of MakeUseOf readers. The questions asked are usually open-ended and likely to necessitate a discussion. Some are opinion-based, while others see you sharing tips and advice, or advocating tools and apps to fellow MakeUseOf Readers. This column is nothing without you, as MakeUseOf is nothing without you.

Image Credit: Davidd

The post What Should Have Been Culled Instead Of Google Reader? [We Ask You] appeared first on MakeUseOf.

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